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What is a Hospitalist?
Hospitalists are physicians who specialize in providing care for patients admitted to the hospital. They spend their work day in the hospital and do not run a traditional clinic practice. This allows hospitalists to be more available to patients and families during hospitalization. Hospitalists have experience and expertise in a wide range of diseases, including the care of patients with pneumonia, congestive heart failure, chest pain and heart attacks, asthma, emphysema and syncope.


Who will write prescriptions for medications prescribed in the hospital?
The Hospitalist will make arrangements for any prescriptions you may need when you are discharged from the hospital.


What does a Hospitalist do?
All of the Hospitalist's time is spent caring for hospitalized patients. Hospitalists function as your primary care doctor during your stay at the hospital. They work with other specialists to monitor, guide, and coordinate all major aspects of your treatment. The Hospitalist will also make sure your primary care provider is informed of your condition and involved in the plan of care. Hospitalists work with nurses and other care providers at the hospital to efficiently and safely improve the patient care process from admission to discharge.


Why isn't my regular physician seeing me in the hospital?
Hospitalists often admit patients for other doctors who prefer to concentrate their efforts and expertise in the office setting, and want you to be evaluated by an expert in the care of hospitalized patients who will see you multiple times each day if necessary. While you are in the hospital, your primary care doctor has asked our on-site Hospitalists to care for you and your medical needs. Once you are discharged from the hospital, your primary care physician will resume responsibility for your medical care.


Why is a Hospitalist caring for me?
Your primary care physician may have requested that a Hospitalist be in charge of your care during your stay at the hospital, or you may have had one of the hospitalists assigned to care for you. In this way, you have the benefit of being seen by a doctor whose practice is entirely focused on the care of hospitalized patients, who will be available to care for you and answer your questions 24 hours each day, and who is in regular contact with your primary care doctor.


How does the Hospitalist Program benefit me?
There are many benefits to be realized with this program, including greater continuity of care and more in-person coordination of care. You may be discharged from the hospital earlier in the day so you can start recovering sooner in the comfort of your own home.


Will my physician and the hospitalist work together?
Communication is essential to the successful relationship between your primary care physician and the hospitalist. So, while you are in the hospital, the hospitalist will be in close contact with your primary and specialty care doctors to collaborate and ensure that you receive top quality care while you are at the hospital. In turn, your regular physicians can provide the hospitalist with valuable information about your medical history, medications and special needs.


How should my family and I communicate with the Hospitalist?
During your stay, one of our hospitalist physicians will be responsible for directing and coordinating your medical care and will be available to answer questions or concerns you and your family may have about your condition and treatment plans. During any of the hospitalist's visits, please feel free to ask questions or seek clarification about anything you may not understand. If you or a family member would like to speak with a hospitalists, it is best to ask the nurse to page the doctor.


What happens when I am discharged from the hospital?
Before being discharged from the hospital, you will receive a written and verbal instructions about your home treatment plan. A Hospitalist will also contact your primary care provider or make arrangements for follow-up care. Once you leave the hospital, it is important that you follow through with your discharge instructions, including making the necessary office appointments with your physician. Remember, Hospitalists do not see patients outside of the hospital setting. Should you have questions or need assistance after you have been discharged, please contact your primary care provider.


Will my primary care doctor be informed about my illness and treatment?
Your primary care doctor will receive important information about your hospital diagnosis and treatment in the form of a written discharge summary. The report will be sent to your physician soon after you are released from the hospital. In addition, hospitalist physicians and your primary care physician may discuss your case confidentially to facilitate your transition from the hospital back to the care of your primary care provider.

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